November 17, 2019

Volcano Art Prize (VAP) 2019 received 74 entries from children as young as 5 to adults as old as 89! Entries were received from Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States of America and Zambia.
VAP 2020 is open now so please enter your landscape-orientation (not portrait-orientation) 1-3MB images or short films at to be in the running for one of 30 beautiful Pictureproducts Blue ceramic mugs, the People’s Choice cash prize of $200 and the Judge’s First Prize of $400! Adults from OECD countries pay only $10 to enter but all other adults and all children enter for free. All child entrants also receive a Winner Certificate or Participant Certificate with their entry and Lead-safety Message printed on it.
VAP 2019 Winners were announced at The LEAD Group’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) held by Skype between attendees in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom on 24th October 2019. The VAP 2019 Winners announcement was the first of two LEAD Group events held during the 7th International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action (ILPPWA).
The People’s Choice $200 cash prize was awarded to the entry with the most Facebook Likes.

The Judge* awarded a First Prize of $400 to the best overall entry, then listed the twenty best Lead-Safety Messages, and chose the 30 best images to win a ceramic mug printed with their image from our wonderful sponsor Pictureproducts Blue.

Thanks very much to the 2019 VAP judge! Seventy-four 2019 VAP entries (see below) have been judged by Kelly Abeleven, a Building Biologist of Building Biology NSW, who is currently the President of the the Australasian Society of Building Biologists (ASBB).
Winner of the Volcano Art Prize 2019 People’s Choice Award
Artist’s Name: Gianna Marie Nobin, aged 5
Title of Image: A Beautiful Nature
Lead-Safety Message: Recycle Reuse
School Name: St Christopher Catholic Primary School
Winner of the Volcano Art Prize 2019 Judge’s First Prize
Artist: William Nguyen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Elephants Marching in Sunset
Lead-Safety Message: Lead poisoning of elephants is a possible cause of Floppy trunk syndrome, which may not be reversible.
The Judge’s list of the twenty best Volcano Art Prize 2019
Lead-Safety Messages
Note that children are permitted to receive help from adults in writing their Lead-safety message.
Artist: Mark Ju, aged 13
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Ear & Nose
Lead-Safety Message: Hear this: if you eat lead or breathe in lead fumes, you may lose your hearing.

Artist’s Name: Justone Lead-Soldier
Title of Image: Diminished
Lead-Safety Message: This allegorical image symbolises the lead contamination that, more or less, surrounds us in the anthropocene. When it is more, it can diminish a happy family. The family is shown small to emphasise how lead toxicity can diminish our lives both in length and quality. I chose an interracial family to show how lead can impact anybody, but particularly children. Each strike of dark lighting is an incidental, toxic hit; the cloud is environmental, cumulative lead. The images are ‘creative commons’ which further references the ubiquity of lead. The leaden sky aims to bring a mood that is redolent of the plumbophobia that can overcome us when we understand the truth about lead. The image stiffens the resolve of this lead soldier to continue the grim fight. Have a nice day.
Description of Work: Powerpoint. Acknowledgements:,, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Artist’s Name: Elizabeth O’Brien
Title of Image: Richard Turnbull’s Lead Detox Concoction
Lead Safety Message: See Richard Turnbull’s recipe for this apparently effective garlic & lemon lead detox concoction, at
Description of Work: iPhone 4S Photographs collaged using Word and Paint.
Artist’s Name: Elizabeth O’Brien
Title of Image: Rainwater should always be lead tested
Lead Safety Message: The original rainwater tank on my childhood Kingaroy post-war home was almost certainly lead-contaminated but even the new tank water on the shed should be tested for lead.
Description of Work: iPhone 5S Photographs collaged using Word and Paint.

Artist’s Name: Elizabeth O’Brien
Title of Image: Shell and bullets from Kingaroy RSL
Lead Safety Message: Not only bullets but also mortar shells can be made from lead. War zones are giant lead-contaminated sites. Lest we forget.

Artist: William Nguyen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Geometrical Objects
Lead-Safety Message: All these shapes could be made from toxic lead but they’d be safe if they were made of stainless steel or wood.

Artist: William Nguyen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Monarch Butterflies and Sunflower
Lead-Safety Message: The monarch butterfly’s bright colors serve as a warning to predators that they are poisonous but lead is grey or invisible so you have to work out that it’s there by testing for it.

Artist’s Name: Elizabeth O’Brien
Title of Image: Catseyes on lightbulbs new and old
Lead Safety Message: The catseye contact points on light bulbs used to be made of lead. Who knows whether they still are?
Description of Work: iPhone 5S Photograph
Artist’s Name: Elizabeth O’Brien
Title of Image: Sidewalk Swings Good & Bad
Lead Safety Message: A good sidewalk swing has lead-free artificial grass or mulch or good grass cover under it, whereas tyres contain toxic cadmium and sometimes lead.

Artist’s Name: Claire Leight
Title of Image: Lead Frog
Lead-Safety Message: Lead is to humans what cars are to cane toads, deadly.
Description of Work: Digital Photo

Artist: Jayden Wang, aged 9
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Potplants may contain lead contaminated soil
Lead-Safety Message: If a child can eat the soil in your potplants you should test the soil for lead with a LEAD Group Kit. If a child does eat soil, ask the GP for a blood lead test.

Artist: William Nguyen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Lotus
Lead-Safety Message: Let the Lotus blossom in water free from lead contamination.

Artist: William Nguyen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Shark
Lead-Safety Message: Beware lead is as dangerous as shark teeth. Be safe, lead safe.

Artist: Karina Guo, aged 9
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Spathiphyllum or peace lilies
Lead-Safety Message: When the world is at peace, lead bullets and lead-headed missiles will no longer be spread all over war-torn areas.
Artist’s Name: Elizabeth O’Brien
Title of Image: Lead detox food and drink to go
Lead Safety Message: Medical Medium Anthony William recommends this Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie, Juice and Tea, plus leafy green Salads, Celery Sticks and Dates.
Description of Work: iPhone 4S Photograph stretched to landscape shape using Word and Paint.
Artist: Celeste Chen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Butterfly
Lead-Safety Message: Most adult butterflies drink nectar from flowers through their straw-like tongues, so can be lead-poisoned if there’s lead dust in the flowers.

Artist’s Name: Elizabeth O’Brien
Title of Image: Ask your Water Authority for a ZLM
Lead-Safety Message: Within 10 days of me asking Sydney Water for a Zero Lead Meter (ZLM) to replace my leaded brass water meter, this Global Valve Technology ZLM appeared!
School Name:
Description of Work: iPhone 5S photo

Artist: Helen Han, aged 8
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Green and blue striped ceramic mug
Lead-Safety Message: Even when ceramic glazes are inside a mug where the hot drink goes, a high XRF lead reading does not necessarily mean the mug leaches lead into the drink.

Artist: Celeste Chen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Lake House
Lead-Safety Message: Houses, boats, water, trees, waterplants, sediments and the air all need to be de-leaded or protected from lead.

Artist: Mark Ju, aged 13
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Young lady and woman
Lead-Safety Message: Women have often been lead poisoned by using skin whiteners and makeup that contains lead.
The Judge’s list of the thirty best Volcano Art Prize 2019 Images or Films and Lead-Safety Messages

These 30 winners will receive a Pictureproducts Blue ceramic mug printed with their winning image or any image they prefer on their mug! For example, Dr Michael Hindmarsh’s mug will be printed with the photo of him receiving his 2016 VAP mug prize from LEAD Group Treasurer Roger Kilburn (see image at right)!
Artwork for the mugs includes a VAP logo, the Lead-safety Message and
See the example for James Wood’s 2019 VAP Winner mug below.
1st prize.

Artist: William Nguyen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Elephants Marching in Sunset
Lead-Safety Message: Lead poisoning of elephants is a possible cause of Floppy trunk syndrome, which may not be reversible.
2nd prize.
Artists’ Names: Brian Arndt (lead-safety message) and NZME (photo)
Title of Image: Brian Arndt and his stack of Lead Research
Lead Safety Message: My Research, My Gift to future generations to stop this happening again, a world free from leaded Petrol.
Description of Work: Photograph by New Zealand Media & Entertainment (NZME) – reprinted with kind permission, from
3rd prize.

Artist’s Name: Harrison Desmond (demonstrating dust wipe sampling technique)
Title of Film: How to collect a dust wipe sample from carpet
Lead-Safety Message: I’m so glad I used a LEAD Group Kit to find out the carpeted stairs outside my rental flat contain 10ug/m2 (0.93ug/ft2) lead – safe for my baby to crawl on.
URL of a short film:
Description of Work: iphone 4S film of Harrison Desmond (demonstrating dust wipe sampling technique)
URL: Click on the link to at to see the film.
4th prize.

Artist’s Name: Noela Whitton
Title of Image: Still life with pears – Vale Margaret Olley
Lead Safety Message: Pears have long been said to be good for lead detox due to their pectin content but Anthony William says they’re good for detoxing all heavy metals.
Description of Work: Smartphone photo of oil painting on canvas by Noela Whitton, aged 89 – a copy done in Aged Care Art Therapy class, of “Still life with pears” by the great Australian artist Margaret Olley (1923-2011).
5th prize.

Artist’s Name: Siobhan Hannigan
Title of Image: Waving or Drowning
Lead-Safety Message: Make Lead matter
Description of Work: Ink and water colour
6th prize.

Artist: Karina Guo, aged 9
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Cup of Coffee
Lead-Safety Message: Because there are so many sources of lead in coffee, the daily intake of lead from coffee may be as much as 20% of the total dietary intake of lead.
7th prize.
Artist: Celeste Chen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Smart cats educate themselves on the dangers of lead
Lead-Safety Message: But if your cat can’t read, you’ll have to test their soil and water at the lab with a LEAD Group Kit from to keep them lead-safe.
8th prize.

Artist: William Nguyen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Kiwi fruit are full of Vitamin C
Lead-Safety Message: Kiwi fruit has a lot of antioxidants which are helpful in eliminating lead from the body. Include them in your diet.
9th prize.

Artist’s Name: Hesaan Sheridan
Title of Image: Lead sheet at the ends of exterior beams of a windmill eaten away in a matter of months!
Lead-Safety Message: The corrosion was accelerated by application of alkaline lime under the lead presumably to combat the acidic tannins in the wood.
Description of Work: Photos collaged using Word and Paint
10th prize.

Artist: Mark Ju, aged 13
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Mathematical structures
Lead-Safety Message: If you google images of “lead crystals” you’ll see they’re not as pure and simple as these geometric forms.
Description of Work: Lead pencil on acid-free paper
11th prize.
Artist: Mark Ju, aged 13
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Bok Choy
Lead-Safety Message: All leafy green vegetables remove lead from the body
12th prize.
Artist: Amanda Han, aged 9
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Red peace lilies in ceramic pots
Lead-Safety Message: Ceramic typically contains a lot of lead by XRF testing but if lab leach testing shows low lead, it is safe – even if a baby or pet licks it!
13th prize.

Artist: William Nguyen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Watermelon
Lead-Safety Message: Eat more fruits in your diet to eliminate the lead from the body.
14th prize.

Artist: Jason Shin, aged 9
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Cranes and bulrushes at the water’s edge
Lead-Safety Message: Cranes can be lead poisoned if they eat lead shot (used by hunters) or lead sinkers (used by fishers). Both should be banned globally to protect these beautiful birds.
15th prize.

Artist’s Name: Michael Hindmarsh
Title of Image: Ban lead sinkers
Lead-Safety Message: Grandly showing is the half remaining of a hoard of toxic lead sinkers! Ready to instigate death! Wizely the English banned lead sinkers when proof was declared of the Royal swans dying of lead poisoning! There is no distinction between a fresh or saltwater death! Please ban!
Description of Work: Photograph
16th prize.

Artist’s Name: James Wood
Title of Image: Gold bracelet with diamonds over 70 years old ruined by lead
Lead-Safety Message: Lead is so toxic. The family heirloom cannot be worn as advised by a leading jewellery maker as the soldering is done with toxic lead which will seep into your blood stream if worn for a long time – such a waste and shame. “Lead can ruin an heirloom”
Description of Work: Photograph of a Gold bracelet with diamonds over 70 years old.
17th prize.

Artist’s Name: Gianna Marie Nobin, aged 5
Title of Image: Flowers
Lead-Safety Message: Protect Your Family from Exposures to Lead
School Name: St Christopher Catholic Primary School
Description of Work: Used chemical free paints, waxes
18th prize.
Artist: Celeste Chen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Green Feathered Peacocks
Lead-Safety Message: Don’t contaminate nature with lead. Make the world a better place to live.
19th prize.

Artist: Kelvin Guo, aged 8
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Sailing boat
Lead-Safety Message: The serenity of nature will be uplifted when humans stop adding lead to the atmosphere and the oceans.
20th prize.

Artist: Helen Han, aged 8
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Bugs on daisies
Lead-Safety Message: Now that we understand how vital insects are for pollination, lead arsenate pesticide has been banned by many countries – but not all!
21st prize.
Artist’s Name: Carla Puckeridge
Title of Image: Four generations Lead Safety Message: The LEAD Group works to ensure that each generation has less lead exposure as children than the one before, aiming for everyone to have a blood lead level below 1 ug/dL by 2041.
Description of Work: iPhone 4S Photograph
22nd prize.

Artist’s Name: Michael Musenga
Title of Image: Drafting of the lead paint law in Zambia
Lead-Safety Message: The 2019 Environmental and Climate Change Award (Environmental Activism Award) was awarded to the Children’s Environmental Health Foundation (CEHF) who through the Chairman and Coordinator has been instrumental in advocating for the enactment of the lead paint laws to Ban the manufacture, distribution, import, export, sale and use of lead paint. Advocacy was most directed at key stakeholders: policy makers and decision makers. This led to the adoption of 90ppm lead in paint standard as per the WHO/UN Lead Paint Alliance. Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) Awarded CEHF for a successful lead in paint elimination Campaign, at the event officiated by the Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet Mr Christopher Mvunga. The 90 PPM standard has been adopted by Zambia Bureau and submitted for government Gazetting.
Description of Work: Photo
23rd prize.

Artist’s Name: Vanessa Aguirre
Title of Image: Vale Orlando Aguirre-Lopez, The LEAD Group’s French & Spanish Translator for 11 years
Lead-Safety Message: Over 100 of Orlando’s excellent translations are helping The LEAD Group create a lead-safe world.
Description of Work: Smart phone photo
24th prize.
Artist: Edison Nguyen, aged 7
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Vivid Opera House
Lead-Safety Message: Luckily the colours of Sydney’s Vivid Light Show are made without lead!
25th prize.
Artist: Kaitlyn Wang, aged 7
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Sydney Opera House at sunset
Lead-Safety Message: After sunset during the Vivid Light Festival, beautiful images are projected onto the sails of the Opera House, without any lead being added.
26th prize.

Artist: Zoe Wyns, aged 6
Title: Rainbow over home and birds
Lead Safety Message: My home is full of colours of the rainbow because it is lead free.
27th prize.

Artist’s Name: Cameron Bestwick
Title of Image: Australian wildflowers flourishing and rotting together
Lead-Safety Message: The living and the dead: the difference could be lead.
Description of Work: A photograph taken by the artist near Blackheath NSW depicting the fine edge between a flourishing life and ruin. These flowers have grown in the same place, and under almost the same conditions. Some have flourished and some are dead. A seemingly small factor – such as the presence of an unsafe amount of lead – can be the deciding factor between them.
28th prize.

Artist’s Name: Justine Cooney
Title of Image: Good grass cover protects a baby from leaded soil
Lead Safety Message: Good grass cover or mulch or paving stops access to leaded soil but when a baby starts to crawl, parents have to stay very close to stop contaminated soil going in the mouth!
Description of Work: Smartphone photos collaged using Word and Paint. URL:
29th prize.

Artist: Jayden Wang, aged 9
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Volcano and dragons
Lead-Safety Message: Dragons may not exist but lead emissions from volcanoes are very real!
30th prize.

Artist: Elijah Yi Li Cai, aged 5
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Volcano erupting
Lead-Safety Message: When humans stop adding lead to the air and clean up contaminated land, the only source of lead in air will be volcanoes erupting.
Other entries in Volcano Art Prize (VAP) 2019
All child entrants will receive a Participants Certificate with their entry and Lead-safety Message printed on it. See examples below showing WHO and United Nations logos – the organisations who have run International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action since 2013 at the behest of The LEAD Group:

Artist’s Name: Michael Musenga
Title of Image: CEHF awarded for their development of legally binding legislation to ban lead in paints in Zambia
Lead-Safety Message: Lead Safe Africa
Organisation Name: Children’s Environmental Health Foundation
Description of Work: Zambia has no legally binding regulations to limit lead in paint. The IPEN /CEHF Zambia lead report’s results is a strong justification for Zambia to enact the law. CEHF’s participation in the Independence celebration was to reach as many High level personnel to help in the support for the drafting legal team

Artist’s Name: Michael Musenga
Title of Image: Award Shield – Lead Safe Zambia by 2020
Lead-Safety Message: The award of extra ordinary contribution to the development of environmental health policies in Zambia, for Advocacy to policy makers to support the enactment of lead paint law, was awarded by acting Her Excellence Ms. Inonge Mutukwa Wina, Vice President of the Republic of Zambia.
Description of Work: Photo

Artist’s Name: Jennifer Birch
Title of Image: Lead Poisoning Diagnosis
Lead-Safety Message: Don’t Let Your Doctor say what’s best – insist on a heavy-metal poison test!
Description of Work: Photograph of my dog with caption

Artist’s Name: Julia Cole
Title of Image: A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor
Lead-Safety Message: Healing Takes Time
Description of Work: photograph images by Kim Cole and We Lead The Way Lead Poisoning Awareness Cause

Artist’s Name: Julia Cole
Title of Image: Heal with Serenity
Lead-Safety Message: If you don’t heal what hurt you, you’ll bleed on people who didn’t cut you. Grant me the serenity to accept what I can’t change.
Description of Work: photograph images by Kim Cole and We Lead The Way Lead Poisoning Awareness Cause

Artist: Holly Lin, aged 10
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Palm trees, sailing boat & sea birds at sunset.
Lead-Safety Message: Our indigenous ancestors didn’t use leaded fishing tackle. Make our oceans and sea-life lead-safe today by banning lead sinkers globally.

Artist: Celeste Chen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Sailing boat sunset and palm trees
Lead-Safety Message: Don’t contaminate nature with lead. Make world a better place to live.

Artist: Celeste Chen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Sydney Opera House
Lead-Safety Message: We need to stop lead going into stormwater so the Harbour water around the Sydney Opera House doesn’t lead poison marine life.
Description of Work: Colour pencils on acid-free paper
Artist: Jayden Wang, aged 9
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Sailing boat sunset and palm trees
Lead-Safety Message: Let the marine life be lead free by keeping our ocean lead free.

Artist: Jayden Wang, aged 9
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Fish
Lead-Safety Message: Don’t contaminate the water with lead. Let the fish live in lead free water.
Artist: Jayden Wang, aged 9
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Prawn and cherries
Lead-Safety Message: Healthy food, lead free food.

Artist: Jayden Wang, aged 9
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Sailing boat at sunset
Lead-Safety Message: Red, yellow and orange marine paints are particularly likely to be leaded. Ban lead paint for marine vessels.
Artist: Edison Nguyen, aged 7
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: prawn and cherries
Lead-Safety Message: Include lead free healthy diet in your life.

Artist: Edison Nguyen, aged 7
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Sailing boat
Lead-Safety Message: Keep the nature beautiful without intoxicating with lead.

Artist: Edison Nguyen, aged 7
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Green tea with cake
Lead-Safety Message: Green Tea supports the liver in clearing toxics from your blood, and cake just tastes good!

Artist: Kelvin Guo, aged 8
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Sydney Opera House in red
Lead-Safety Message: Red lead paint was banned in Australia in 2010 so now, (and for always when the sun is setting), red doesn’t always mean lead.
Artist: William Nguyen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Whales
Lead-Safety Message: Don’t contaminate the ocean with lead. Even the marine life deserves lead free ocean to live
Artist: William Nguyen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Brown Oriole with Red Berries
Lead-Safety Message:

Artist: William Nguyen, aged 11
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Geometrical Objects
Lead-Safety Message: All these shapes could be made from toxic lead but they’d be safe if they were made of stainless steel or wood.
Artist: Helen Han, aged 8
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Prawns and cherries
Lead-Safety Message: Eat healthy, stay healthy with lead free world.
Artist: Helen Han, aged 8
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Sailing boat sunset palm tree
Lead-Safety Message: If your body is weighed down with toxic lead, you’ll soon run aground.
Artist: Mark Ju, aged 13
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Girl and potplant
Lead-Safety Message: Don’t let lead cast a shadow over your child. Test their blood lead level and test the soil and dust in your home
Artist: Mark Ju, aged 13
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Thinking Lady
Lead-Safety Message: She’s thinking: why didn’t I buy a LEAD Group Kit to test the paint for lead before the contractors dry-sanded and spread it all over my house?

Artist: Karina Guo, aged 9
School Name: Creative Einstein Education (tutoring school)
Title: Seals
Lead-Safety Message: Seals can eat lead fishing weights and become lead poisoned so let’s ban lead sinkers now to save the seals!