Pick Yer Poison!

Pick Yer Poison!

Lead-safety message: “How long are we going to let them have their way? Even now, these poisonous plagues remain unresolved problems… and chances are, someone you know is already affected by it. Just because it’s not in your face like doesn’t mean it’s not there. This is everybody’s problem. Let’s do something about this, together.

Some things lead and cane toads have in common:

Quickest way to be poisoned is to ingest it.
It’s impossible to get rid of either in the foreseeable future.
Both were used for pest control. Both have done more harm than good.
They affect both people and wildlife; hunting is the worst offender as all parties involved suffer. Lead from bullets affect both the hunter and the hunted, most predators that eat a cane toad die from its poison.


Artist: Kim, Daniel
Description of work/Materials: Photo collage.
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